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Our Mission

At Orthodox Christian Supply our aim is simple, to build Orthodox icons that last generations.  Our business began with an idea of how to make a reproduction icon which would have a similar look and feel to those icons belonging to antiquity or, for that matter, hand painted icons coming out of Russia today.  To this end, we realized that there were better ways to build reproduction icons, both in style and in ability to last.

Traditional Panel Orthodox Icons

The Traditional Panel Icon

Classic Panel Orthodox Icons

The Classic Panel Icon

Reproduction Printed Orthodox Icons

The Printing Process

Our Guarentee

Our mounted icons are built to last and to be handed down from generation to generation.  Every process has been approached with the aim to guarantee our icons in the excess of 100 years.  We build heirloom quality reproduction icons.  

We would like to thank every customer sincerely for your consideration to buy Orthodox mounted icons from our online store.  We stand behind our icons 100% and offer a "no questions asked" return policy for any defect in our workmanship.  Our aim is simple - to provide quality mounted icons that, by God's great mercy, may be an aid and a blessing to the faithful in the spiritual life   


"Your icons arrived today and are magnificent!  In fact your icons are by far the finest I have ever purchased.  You clearly spend a lot of time selecting quality images, and the care and attention with which you then reproduce them is striking.  Add to that the extraordinary level of craftsmanship that you bring to building the panels and perfecting the mountings, and in total, you've produced icons that truly feel alive with presence.  In my opinion these are the finest icons on the market."

David D.

"By far, the best quality icons available.  Fine canvas, vivid ink and top quality wood.  After blessing, our priest wrote down the website.  When you impress someone who sees hundreds of know you are doing something right.  Many thanks!!" 


"The craftsmanship is superb and reflects a labor of love.  The printing is the closest to actual painting that I have ever seen on a printed icon.  Last, but not least, the price is truly an exceptional value.  I have paid more for a comparable icon from a well-known company that cannot compare to the craftsmanship exhibited in the icon I received from Orthodox Christian Supply.  Thank you for offering such lovely icons at a reasonable price."

Christopher M.


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