Spiritual Resources
We build Orthodox icons to be a blessing and aid to the faithful in the spiritual life. To this end, we also have decided to include a "resource" page of links that we have found to be profitable to our earthly pilgrimage. May God help us all struggle to attain to the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Remembering Sion : A blog by Hieromonk Gabriel from the Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Russian Faith: Christian Renaissance
Orthodox Christianity: News and Spiritual Life
Pravmir : An English Sister Site of "Православие и Мир"
Eastern American Diocese: ROCOR
stay tuned, much more to come...
Orthodox Iconographers, Woodworkers and More
We would also like to share with our viewers artisans from around the world that also specialize in the production of Orthodox goods. Here you will find links to iconographers, Orthodox woodworkers, bookstores and, in general, groups that we have found to be helpful. Sometimes finding what you need online can be challenging, we aim to assist.
St. Elizabeth Convent: Hand painted icons
St. John's Woodshop: Church furnishing and traditional panels for iconography
Dimitriy Kirashuk: Gessoed iconography panels from Russia
Hermitage of the Holy Cross Monastery: Books, Candles, Gifts and more
stay tuned, much much more to come...