St. John the Hut Dweller
St. John was born in a wealthy family in Constaninople. Inspired by the Gospel he moved to Bithynia to the monastery of the "Unsleeping Ones." John asceticised here for six years, but then begain to suffer from a burning desire to see his parents once more. Blessed by the abbot he returned home, but instead of returning to his family he found a corner near the house of his parents and posed as a beggar. John's father did not recgonize his son, but took pity on the "beggar" and began to send him food and help. The servants of his fathers house insulted and oppressed John. His end was revealed to the saint three days before his death and, in turn, he sent a message to his mother through the steward. John revealed himself to his mother and died shortly after, not being quite twenty-five years of ago. Holy Father John, pray to God for us!